Online Dating How to Flirt With Women Online

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Anyone who partakes in online dating will have experienced awkward moments when they're not entirely sure what to say or how to reply to a message they've just received. It can be really difficult to know how to approach someone or respond when they reach out to you. Here are some excellent tips which are guaranteed to work and put you at the best possible advantage when trying to find your significant other online.

Find some common ground. This might seem like a no-brainer but it's the fastest way to get to know someone. If someone talks about something they like rather than the standard small talk they're far more likely to show their true colours. The same goes for you too! If you've reached out to them or they've reached out to you, the chances are you're both going to have something in common so try and steer the conversation toward it as quickly as possible.

Read their profile. Don't just skim someone's profile, pay attention to it and get all the information you can - it'll come in very handy once you start talking to one another. One of the best ways to reach out to someone online is to read their profile, pick something you find interesting and then make a comment about it directly to them. Not only will this engage them on a level they are comfortable with but it will also get the conversation flowing thick and fast, and you're more likely to learn more about each other.

If you comment on photographs, do it well. Guys have an awful reputation for this sort of thing - stumbling upon a girl's profile and leaving a basic, lewd, passing comment about her looks and then sending them a perfunctory message with minimal detail. By all means leave a comment, but make it an insightful one with meaning which maybe asks a couple of questions along the way. Ask her where she is in the picture - if its a popular place tell her you've been there and you thought it was great! Ask her what she liked about it if she'd like to go back. This shows that you're actually willing to pay attention to her interests and her personality, and it will be a surefire conversations starter. If you can get things started off on the right foot, who knows where things might lead? Just treat prospective dates how you would like to be treated yourself.
